
President calls for urgent reforms in tertiary education

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has called for  educational reforms, especially in tertiary education.

“There is a mismatch between the education generally on offer in Sri Lanka and what is necessary for our country to develop in the 21st Century. This is why I have constantly called for educational reforms, especially in our tertiary education system’’ he said.

The president was addressing the 32nd General Convocation of Sir John Kotelawala Defence University at the BMICH in Colombo yesterday (09).

Rajapaksa asserted his strong beliefs in the fact that regardless of the degree programme followed by university students, they must all graduate having gained at least some proficiency in information technology, critical thinking skills, entrepreneurship and English language skills.

Moreover, he condemned old objections about higher education institutions outside the state universities being 'education shops that sell degrees', deeming the line of thought 'nonsensical'.

"We need to create more opportunities for our young people to study at universities in Sri Lanka. There is absolutely no reason why these universities should only be state universities. Almost all the best universities in the world are not state universities. Most are structured as independent self-governing entities, charitable institutions, or nonprofit organizations focused on education", President Rajapaksa said.

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