
Removal of X-Press Pearl’s wreck to kick off

The removal of the stricken X-Press Pearl’s wreck is set to kick off with the feeder ship’s operator announcing the signing of a contract with Shanghai Salvage Company for the work.

The ship’s operator, X-Press Feeders, says the wreck removal plan will ensure the wreck is completely removed and all debris and pollutants are disposed of in a safe, proper manner.

Shanghai Salvage has established a project team for the salvage operation and has already mobilized the equipment necessary for work.

”The wreck removal team will be supported by response tugs on a 24-hour watch to deal with debris or forms of pollutants.”

“Regular water sampling will be ongoing at the site, with representatives of ITOPF and Oil Spill Response ready to respond immediately, if required,” X-Press Feeders said.

Resolve Marine had previously commenced the recovery of the containers and debris lost overboard during the fire and subsequent sinking of the ship.

The debris has been identified through side-scan sonar operations, undertaken during July and August, and its recovery and safe disposal is expected to be completed “in due course,” X-Press Feeders said.

Meanwhile, Sri Lankan authorities have submitted a second compensation claim which is being reviewed by the vessel owners P&I Club and discussions are ongoing.

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