
Journo punches, headlocks pro-Russia Ukraine politico on live TV

A journalist has punched a pro-Russian politician in the face on live TV in Ukraine and put him in a headlock in front of the former prime minister in a debate over Vladimir Putin.

The shocking brawl broke out between lawmaker Nestor Shufrych from the pro-Russian party Opposition Platform - For Life, and journalist Yuriy Butusov.

The politician was attacked by his fellow guest after he refused to condemn Vladimir Putin, as Russian troops amasses troops on the border for a potential invasion.

Shufrych was left bloodied after Butusov walked up to him and hit him in the face, with former PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk and ex-president Petro Poroshenko watching on.

Shufrych stood up to fight back and the two fell to the ground in the violent scrap before Butusov put his opponent in a headlock while the horrified guests pleaded with them to stop.

The two were eventually pulled apart and continued the discussion on Savik Shuster's Freedom of Speech talk show.

Shufrych had been asked if Putin is a murderer and a criminal but he refused to answer and said: 'Let Ukraine's authorities deal with that.'

Former president Poroshenko slammed him for the remarks, saying: 'There's a Russian agent right here in the studio.'

The bitter spat comes as thousands of Ukrainian refugees are starting to stream into Russia after Vladimir Putin's allies ordered a mass evacuation of two separatist republics as part of a suspected 'false flag' operation to provide the pretext for an invasion.

Up to 700,00 civilians are being evacuated from the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk after rebel leaders yesterday claimed Ukraine was about to attack the areas.

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