
Petronas reports unplanned maintenance at oilfield off Sabah

SINGAPORE : Malaysia's deepwater Gumusut-Kakap oilfield off the coast of Sabah is currently undergoing an unplanned maintenance exercise, Petronas said on Thursday.

The state energy firm is an equity holder of the field operated by Royal Dutch Shell. Gumusut-Kakap and Malikai oilfields, off the coast of Sabah, produce the country's key export crude Kimanis.

Petronas' comments confirmed a Reuters report on Tuesday that Kimanis crude production over the next two months will fall because of maintenance at a compressor in January.

"The operator is working to resolve the matter in ensuring the Kimanis crude oil achieves its peak production," Petronas spokesperson said in an email.

"To minimise the impact, Petronas is maximising Kimanis crude oil production from other fields such as Malikai."

Shell did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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