
Ladies with longer ring fingers than index fingers rejoice, you may be 'stronger', says study

Scientists can identify whether you are likely to be weak or a woman with a strong physique by comparing your index and ring fingers. 

According to a new study, women with an index finger that is shorter than their ring finger are likely to be stronger.

Researchers looked at people's 2D:4D digit ratios (the length difference between the index and ring fingers) and how it relates to muscle strength.

A lower 2D:4D digit ratio (in which the index finger is shorter than the ring finger) is already assumed to imply increased testosterone exposure in the womb.

The researchers discovered that women with a lower 2D:4D ratio had stronger grip strength than women with a higher 2D:4D ratio.

Researchers from the University of Vienna's Department of Evolutionary Anthropology conducted the new study, which was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

They argue that while the 2D:4D ratio has been connected to male strength, the link with female strength has proven equivocal. 

The 2D:4D finger length ratio: It's the ratio of your index (2nd) and ring (4th) finger lengths, commonly known as the 2D:4D ratio.

The 2D:4D digit ratio is the proportion of a person's index finger (2D) to ring finger (4D) (4D).

It's calculated by dividing the lengths of the ring and index fingers.

A lower 2D:4D digit ratio is thought to imply more testosterone exposure while in the womb, and so masculinity.

A larger 2D:4D digit ratio, on the other hand, is thought to signify less testosterone exposure in the womb, and so femininity. 

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