
Korea Week 2021 - Sri Lanka


The Embassy of the Republic of Korea welcomes everyone to participate in the “Korea week 2021”, from November 3 to 10. It is a celebration of the unique Korean culture including K-pop, Taekwondo, Korean language, Korean cuisine and tourism.

From Korea’s Food experience to Korean Language Speech Contest, the 10 days will be packed full of cultural events, and exclusive opportunities to help Sri Lankans immerse themselves in Korean gastronomy, tourism and culture. Admission to all events is free.

This year, the Korea Week will take place with a mixture of online and offline events. All offline events will comply with COVID-19 health guidelines in accordance with government regulations. The online events are brought to doorsteps on virtual platforms to be enjoyed by a diverse audience, allowing the participants to partake in the cultural journey from the comforts of their homes through the digital immersion of the Korean culture.

Subscribe to the Embassy social media handles to join this cultural experience.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyK794y0v4JUVByumpfpWDw

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/korembsl/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/korembsl

Twitter: https://twitter.com/korembsl

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