
Construction in Vietnam continues at 3 sites in the South China Sea.


Vietnam is building three islands in the South China Sea at the same time, according to satellite images.

Planet Labs images analyzed by RFA show that work is underway on Pearson Reef, Namyit Island and Sand Cay, all in the disputed Spratly Islands.

RFA was the first outlet to report the new development on Pearson Reef on October 20. Since then, more work has been done there to build what appears to be a large marina or port in two parts.

Pearson has already been expanded by about six acres, but all of that previous landfill was done before 2014, according to the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI). 

Likewise, on Namyit and Sand Cay – other features under Vietnam’s control – authorities appear to be building docks to improve access and provide shelter for boats.

Satellite imagery from November 14 shows the construction of a marina or harbor on the left side of Pearson Reef, the latest indication of construction at the Vietnamese-held site, also pictured on November 

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