
Haiti gang leader threatens to kill kidnapped missionaries if ransom not met


The leader of the 400 Mawozo gang that police in Haiti say is holding 17 members of a kidnapped missionary group is seen in a video released Thursday saying he will kill them if he doesn't get what he's demanding.

The video posted on social media shows Wilson Joseph dressed in a blue suit, carrying a blue hat and wearing a large cross around his neck.

"I swear by thunder that if I don't get what I'm asking for, I will put a bullet in the heads of these Americans," he said in the video.

He also threatened Prime Minister Ariel Henry and the chief of Haiti's National Police, Leon Charles, as he spoke in front of the open coffins that apparently held several members of his gang who were recently killed.

"You guys make me cry. I cry water. But I'm going to make you guys cry blood," he said.

Earlier this week, authorities said that the gang was demanding $1 million US per person, although it wasn't immediately clear that included the five children in the group, among them an eight-month-old. Sixteen Americans and one Canadian were abducted, along with their Haitian driver.

The missionaries are with Ohio-based Christian Aid Ministries, which held a news conference before someone posted the video of the gang leader.

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